
Below are regularly used terms in our documentation and within our PlanSource system.

AEAnnual Enrollment
AISAccount Information Specialist
AORAgent of Record
APIApplication Programming Interface
API Terms of ServiceTerms of use that must be accepted by a developer wanting to use PlanSource's API
BeneficiaryPerson in a life insurance or annuity insurance contract that will receive the benefit in the event of the insured death
BORBroker of Record
CCRClient Configuration Report
ClientCompany using PlanSource as their benefits administrator provider
CoSources (Strategic Partner)The broker does the configuration
CoverageThe amount of risk or liability that is covered for an individual or entity by way of insurance service
CRGClient Requirements Guide
CRMClient Relationship Manager
DependentPerson (usually spouse or child) of an insured person who is eligible for insurance coverage
DOLDepartment of Labor
Dual EnrollmentNew hire is eligible for benefits in the current year ads well as the new plan year that is in open enrollment (they will need to walk through Both plan years to make elections)
EDIElectronic Data Interchange (Data Team)
EOIEvidence of Insurance
EULAEnd User License Agreement - it's a license used for most software - contract between PS & the user (broker or client) - details how the software can & can't be used
FARField Access Role
GIGuaranteed Issue
GLGeneral Ledger
HCMHuman Capital Management
HRAHealth Reimbursement Arrangement
HRISHuman Resources Information System
HRMSHuman Resources Management System
HROHuman Resource Outsourcing
HSAHealth Savings Account
InfoCenterAlso referred to as PCMS or employee portal
IRInitial Rights - also known as new hire notice or DOL notice - notices provided to the plan participants (the covered Employee, Spouse, and Dependents) informing them of their rights to elect COBRA Coverage
LELife Events
LOALeave of Absence
LTDLong Term Disability
MetaAll data related to specific topic
OEOpen Enrollment
OnboardingTransitions a client from Sales to Implementation
OutsourcedWe do the configuration
Outsourced IndirectContract is direct with the broker
Outsourced DirectContact is direct with the client
PCMSAlso referred to as InfoCenter or employee portal or landing page
PEOProfessional Employer Organization
PEPMPer Employee Per Month
PHIProtected Health Information
Private ExchangeMarketplace is operated by brokers or insurance carriers that sell insurance products to consumers through an online enrollment platform
PSAPlanSource Advantage Partners (ex: Aetna, AmeriHealth, Anthem, Guardian, etc.)
Public ExchangeFormed as part of the US Health Care Reform, public exchanges are new platforms on a state level that will offer health coverage beginning in 2014 to individuals and small groups
SAASSoftware As A Service
SandboxUsed by a developer or partner for testing of PlanSource's system integration with developer's/partner's organization
Sandbox AgreementContract between PlanSource and another organization describing terms of use on how they can use our sandbox for testing
SLAService Level Agreement
SMESubject Matter Expert
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SOWStatement of Work (Out of Scope)
SSOSingle Sign On
STDShort Term Disability
System of RecordAuthoritative data source for a given piece of information
TPAThird Party Administrators
TSCTechnical Services Consultant
UIUser Interface
Wash CycleSpecify the date ranges for any given month by which premium billing is determined. By default, no plan is assigned a wash cycle. If you need to assign a wash cycle to a plan, click on Wash Cycles to open the window and then select the appropriate cycle in the drop down list next to that plan