Payroll Fields


Listed below are the data fields that can be accessed for Payroll data using PlanSource's API. Each field is described as being "optional". That is because developers are not required to fill out every data field in order to make the API call. Although that is the case, PlanSource does require certain data fields to be entered in order to get Payroll data. What is required can be changed manually within the PlanSource Benefits Admin site by utilizing the Data Field Security configuration.


NOTE: Some of these fields are list validated fields. To learn what that means, visit the Guide on List Validated Fields.

Payroll FieldsData TypesField Descriptions
idintegerUnique ID for subscriber. Used as a parameter in endpoint URL
start_datedateStart Date. Used as a parameter in endpoint URL
end_datedateEnd Date. Used as a parameter in endpoint URL
first_namestringFirst Name
last_namestringLast Name
middle_namestringMiddle Name
pay_frequencyintegerPay Frequency
plan_year_starts_onstringPlan Year Starts On
plan_year_ends_onstringPlan Year Ends On
benefit_namestringBenefit Name
benefit_lookup_codestringBenefit Lookup Code
plan_namestringPlan Name
coverage_levelstringCoverage Level
subscriber_premiumnumberSubscriber Premium
org_premiumnumberOrg Premium
imputed_incomenumberImputed Income
subscriber_pretax_premiumnumberSubscriber Pretax Premium
subscriber_posttax_premiumnumberSubscriber Posttax Premium
tax_treatmentstringTax Treatment
subscriber_fsa_amountnumberSubscriber FSA Amount
org_fsa_amountnumberOrg FSA Amount
original_effective_datestringOriginal Effective Date
change_effective_datestringChange Effective Date
termination_datestringTermination Date
dp_sub_imputed_incomenumberDependent Subscriber Imputed Income
dp_org_imputed_incomenumberDependent Organization Imputed Income
plan_payroll_mapping_codestringPlan Payroll Mapping Code
plan_group_numberstringPlan Group Number
plan_partner_code_1stringPlan Partner Code 1
plan_partner_code_2stringPlan Partner Code 2
created_atstringTime of creation
updated_atstringTime of update
test_employeebooleanTest Employee
currentstringIs current payroll
Available Responses:
Y: Denotes a current coverage.
N: Denotes whenever the Y changes to keep a history.
D: Denotes whenever a coverage is deleted (rarely used).
P: Denotes when a LE is pending.
A: Denotes when a LE is accepted.
R: Denotes when a LE is rejected.
CP: Denotes when the subscriber hasn't completed checkout yet.
CA: Denotes when the cart has been checked out, but enrollment/life event window is still open, or a benefit is waiting on EOI/Doc Processing.
CR: Denotes whenever the subscriber removes something from their cart or their entire cart is archived, either when enrollment is reset or abandoned and cleaned up.
organization_idstringOrganization ID
subscriber_codestringSubscriber code
subscriber_pay_frequencystringPayroll Schedule
subscriber_statusstringStatus for subscriber
subscriber_total_paydaysstringNumber of subscriber paydays
benefit_companystringReturns the subscriber demographic field of benefit_company
changed_fieldsarrayProvides a full list of fields and previous/current values that where changed on the current record